Fit After Fifty

The magic age of fifty is just a number to some, a chance to get special discounts to others, and a wake-up call to many who realize that it is the time to start taking better care of themselves. One of the best lifestyle changes to be made is to start exercising. Does it cost megabucks to exercise? Not really. Let’s look at some great resources available to us.
The NIA (National Institute on Aging) offers some unbelievable free resources for those interested in fitness plans and ideas to begin an exercise program. Click on Health Information and under Exercise & Physical Activity you can find their booklet, Workout to Go which is a valuable resource and so easy to follow. The exercises can help you stay in shape for the activities you enjoy most. You can do the 13 easy-to-follow strength, balance, and flexibility exercises in this booklet anytime, anywhere. Take it with you to the gym, on vacation, or even to the office. You can review, download, or order a free copy at the NIA website, or just click here to go to Handouts on our website and download it from there.
The American Council on Exercise (ACE) reminds us that it is never too late to reap the many health benefits of regular exercise. Regular cardiovascular exercise, such as brisk walking, bicycling, or swimming strengthens the heart and muscles, boosts energy and endurance. It also helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels and works as a natural mood elevator. Being sedentary raises the risk for developing such serious health conditions as diabetes and heart disease. Strength exercise, or resistance training, helps preserve muscle mass and bone health. It will help you stay strong, so you can go about your normal daily activities. The ACE website is
The ACE website is a reputable resource for anyone interested in exercising. Their Fit Facts section has various articles dealing with a wide variety of fitness topics for everyone. They also have a blog and tons of resources for exercising and getting fit.
Consult with your health care provider before starting an exercise program. Ask about precautions specific to your condition. Ask which exercises are beneficial and safe for you. Regular exercise helps manage health conditions and can speed up the recovery process of serious illnesses (heart attack, stroke, and joint-replacement surgery). Your doctor may recommend you start exercising in a medically supervised setting before you exercise on your own.
It is never too late to start exercising. Investing time and energy in our health is an investment that can reap a sizeable dividend for each of us. Here’s wishing you good health!