Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #1 Balance Foods to Manage Blood Sugar
In our Journey to Wellness Signature Course, we start with Class #1, Balance Foods to Manage Blood Sugar. This is Part #1 of the two-part Diabetes Management Section. This class gets to the heart of diabetes. Most people don’t realize that it takes a significant journey to get all the way to diabetes. Appropriate changes made throughout that journey will produce positive outcomes. In diabetes, it’s never too late to make lifestyle changes.
The class explains the steps in that journey, how foods affect blood sugar, and how blood sugar affects insulin. We will explain the appropriate changes necessary to be in control of diabetes. BeWell365 teaches balance, consistency, and moderation as the way to eat right for life, and for the whole family. We believe there are no bad foods, only bad diets; in other words, the way we put our foods together. You will learn that small changes go a long way. Perfection is not necessary.
Participants learn to identify macronutrients and in which food group they belong. The class covers technical portion sizes of foods, sometimes in comparison to common portion sizes, and a little on food labels. We practice putting together perfect, small meals and balanced snacks so you are fully prepared to move forward.
No class would be complete without the change process using journalling to create new habits. You will walk away with everything you need to get started taking control of diabetes and decreasing risk for its long-term complications.