
Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #9 There Are No Bad Foods
This class is at the heart of our entire program, how to eat right for life! We balance, consistency, and moderation, NOT diets.

Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #1 Balance Foods to Manage Blood Sugar
Journey to Wellness Signature Course Class 1 enables you to take control of your diabetes and decrease risk of long-term complications.

Those Pesky Processed Foods, They're Everywhere!
Learn why processed foods should be limited and why those made with simple processed carbohydrates should be eaten with caution.

Whole Grains vs. Fiber -- What's the Difference?
Whole grains are different than fiber, learn why & how much of each improves health, identify sources & resources.

Demonizing Gluten – Bad Idea!
Is a gluten-free diet really right for you? Gain knowledge on when it is required, sources of gluten, & a better alternative.

Some Great Oatmeal!
Oatmeal lovers can learn how to choose convenience without compromising quality when choosing an instant oatmeal.