Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #4 Stress Busting 101
In our Journey to Wellness Signature Course, we continue with Class #4, Stress Busting 101. This is Part #2 of the two-part Blood Pressure Management Section. This class is all about stress, starting with its cost on society. We explain blood pressure levels, the connection between stress and blood pressure, and how stress damages the heart.
You will increase your awareness of the physical, mental and emotional signs and symptoms of stress as well as the correlation between stress, anxiety and depression. We explore how to use stress-coping mechanisms and stress-reducing techniques, including stretching, breathing, and mental relaxation exercises. You will learn how to develop a personal stress-busting plan using the 4 A’s of Stress Management.
No class would be complete without the change process using journalling to create new habits. You will walk away with additional knowledge of taking control of heart disease and decreasing risk for long-term complications.
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