Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #2 Coping With Chronic Illness
In our Journey to Wellness Signature Course, we continue with Class #2, Coping With Chronic Illness. This is Part #2 of the two-part Diabetes Management Section. This class starts with education on acute and chronic illnesses and the difference. We increase awareness of the possibility and commonality of depression when diagnosed with chronic illness, like diabetes.
We know that depression caused by having a chronic illness often aggravates the illness. We zero in on the effect of depression on diabetes. There are several ways to identify depression and steps to take control.
The good news is that depression can be treated. We explore medications, psychotherapy and personal coping mechanisms which include diet, exercise, and stress reduction. We discuss five recommended steps to better cope with having a chronic illness.
No class would be complete without the change process using journalling to create new habits. You will walk away with more knowledge of taking back control of chronic illness and decreasing risk for long-term complications.
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