
Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #12 Meals On The Go
Choose the right snacks for stress and the blues vs. zapped energy. Learn how to make better choices dining out and in.

Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #8 Eat For Hunger Not Emotion
Eating for emotion is common and normal. This class will teach you how to recognize it and then be in better control of emotional eating.

Journey To Wellness Signature Course Class #2 Coping With Chronic Illness
Journey to Wellness Signature Course Class 2 explains chronic illness with a focus on managing the concomitant diagnosis of depression.

Thrive Rather Than Survive The Holidays
Learn how to thrive during the holidays rather than strive with specific suggestions on enjoying what you really like to do.

Personal Spring Cleaning
Clear our your mental cobwebs, make some personal physical & mental lifestyle changes, set short & long-term goals.

Exercising The Blues Away
Learn the astounding effects of exercise on depression, sadness & anxiety, related physical benefits, & when to seek help.